Monday, April 09, 2007

The Case for Anonymity

In a recent NY Times article, it was stated that:

When someone is anonymous, it opens the door to all kinds of antisocial

While I agree that anonymity can be used as a mask behind which to perpetrate acts of hatred and Evil in relative safety, I feel that statement is an unfair over-generalisation, and that there are other reasons to remain anonynous.

My own reasons for using The White Charger as a mask of anonymity are as follows:

  • For the most part, I participate in the blogosphere to learn and to share, or simply to enjoy. My name is not important, just my intent, and I hope that can be determined from my words. I hope that readers do not find my words either aggressive or negative, as that is never my intent, though as a human I am prone to err from time to time.
  • My name is nothing more than a label given to me by my parents. It provides no valuable information about me personally, and only serves to identify my family, whom I absolutely want to keep anonymous from the public eye.
  • My handle is my own choice, and I feel it is far more representative of me as a person.
  • If my words and the ideas and concepts they convey should ever be of use to someone, I would rather that person remembered the message contained within those words, rather than be distracted by who I am, since I am but a humble vehicle for their delivery.


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Maltese Donkey


The Sapphire Sceptre of Wisdom

The Sapphire Sceptre of Wisdom
A mythical weapon used to smite ignorance and stupidity